INTJ – Jealousy Or Possessiveness?

So there are a few topics to discussĀ  just by looking at my blog data for what people are searching for regarding INTJs.

Well, VOILA! This is one of the many questions asked.

“Do INTJs get jealous or possessive? How can you tell?”.

Hmmms, lets’ define the words first shall we?

Jealousy is a submissive trait whereby you develop negative thoughts towards someone who has something that you cannot have WHICH “should” have been yours.

Possessiveness is a dominant trait whereby you feel protective of certain things (or people) when you feel that these things or personages could potentially be taken away from you.


Okay, in all honesty, we, INTJs do not feel jealousy or possessiveness much. Better yet, these feelings/ emotions tends to linger for about 1 minute OR a little bit longer if it is regarding something much more important. We all have our human moments where we feel things that turns out to be jealousy or possessiveness.

You still won’t find many INTJs being jealous or possessive and I’ll explain why in a minute.

First, I want to explain what we do when we do find ourselves ‘feeling’ something negative. At first, we start feeling this mesh of anger and irritation; when this happens, like everything we do, we pinpoint our ‘feels’ by taking a step back and assessing what we are actually feeling and the cause which made us feel this way. After a while, we would come to the conclusion that we are either jealous or feeling rather possessive.


Now, after acknowledging what we are indeed feeling, we assess and analyse it some more – here, our jealousy or possessiveness shifts from centre stage to the back of our minds.

Now, majority of our jealousy (if any) tends to stem from seeing successful people who are more competent in our area of expertise OR who has the ability to do something we are incompetent in – we all define success subjectively so whatever success to you floats your boat then use that as an example for yourself.

We start judging our ‘competition’ in a critical analysis about why that person will never “win” ‘me’ over or why we “will never” be friends. Admittedly, we do this to make ourselves feel better – we subconsciously “break down” this person. Fortunately, this judgement does NOT last long because once we calm down and get past this minor judgement phase, our self-awareness kicks in (you’ll be glad that our moment of hateful judgement only ever lasts a few minutes…or less).

Our self-awareness combined with our rationality means that jealousy isn’t something that we don’t have control over and since we know this, we look from an objective and subjective perspective to verify the cause and justify whether someone do deserve our jealousy or not – whether that something is trivial or not and whether we have the right to be jealous. If the answer is “no, jealousy is not needed”, then we simply just let it go and block off this particular ‘feels’.

Possessiveness is a little bit different for us, we get possessive about people who we respect, for example, if an INTJ is in a relationship, there are no doubt going to be a handful of times when possessiveness kicks in (which is true for 100% of the population), regardless of how confident we are in ourselves. We won’t show our possessiveness though and we won’t want to cage anyone in just because we are feeling possessive now and again (like once in a blue moon).

So, how can you tell when an INTJ is feeling jealous or possessive, well…you really can’t WHEN we take a positive spin on things. However, when we can’t think our way through the ‘feels’, we tend to get depressed; now this is when you can see that an INTJ is stuck on something. Jealousy or possessiveness has been loooong gone by now. Instead, we get stuck on something a little bit deeper.


Now that there are physical signs to tell that an INTJ is in the sh*ts when depressed, lets’ first talk about this positive “thing” that we do which looks pretty normal to the outside world.

Well…we know that jealousy is pretty much a one-sided problem and so we tend to decide on the best course of action; the action being ‘how to get that something for myself’ or ‘how to incorporate that certain something into my personality’ – how can we grow with this and from this. This right here, drives us to focus on our shortcomings as something to address (if possible). Our jealousy and possessiveness quickly turns into a powerful motivator when used wisely. If that person we were jealous of is, for example, good at socializing then we too will put effort into bettering ourselves in that area. You will find INTJs doing things not out of spite, but out of the sincerity of wanting to make themselves even better and more valuable – we will even learn FROM that person – no grudges held.

We will also get the motivation to do other things too that is completely unrelated to that person. We tend to practice existing skills and learn new skills, acquire new knowledge whereby some of us will become excitable or happy which makes us want to get busy practicing new things. Strangely enough, we can get really inspired to better ourselves…all thanks to this 1 minute of jealousy or possessive thoughts.

If and when we don’t feel motivated enough to better ourselves, don’t see where we can improve or see no point then we will think about what we are feeling and “figure out”/ imagine how to apply it for the future – saving the ‘feels’ for future references ya know. How we could have or can approach this feeling or situation better. We will harness the emotions to apply it effectively when needs be.

Now you see why INTJs say that they don’t get jealous or possessive?


An INTJs jealousy do not normally come from a resentful place, instead, we turn it into a challenge or a goal to develop our personality. There is no place for envy when something or someone makes us want to strive to be better. After all, INTJs are all about learning, self-improvement and growth; it is just how we are.


Now the “good” stuff – I know some of you ‘sickos’ like to see INTJs crumble so this is for you. Just kidding hahaha! :P

Jealousy and possessiveness can make some INTJs have a moment of weakness, whereby they become depressed. Depressed because the INTJ felt jealousy due to feeling inadequate, our inadequacies makes us feel overlooked by the people we value and finally, INTJs feel overlooked because they feel insecure. Yups, jealousy doesn’t even have a chance to linger in our minds. INTJ represses a lot of emotions, so adding another one to the pile doesn’t help, therefore unfortunately, although we hide our feelings well and do not vent…we tend to do things that accidentally shows our dampened state of mind.

I must note that, jealousy and depression are two very different emotions. Jealousy is resentment directed at another person – depression is sadness and despair directed at yourself and relating only to yourself.

A depressed INTJ does a lot of the things that I stated in this stress post…additional to the below;

  • We may remove ourselves from a situation where we have no physical or mental control over – if we cannot intervene a situation or stop thinking negatively then we will go;
  • We tend to feel the need to distract ourselves – sometimes, doing things that people consider fun but we don’t. Nonetheless we will join in and sometimes actually start to begin enjoying ourselves until we somehow criticize ourselves (some INTJs may feel that there is a tiny sub-conscious INTJ sitting inside their brain commentating on all the pathetic attempts at numbing themselves or trying to “have fun” – this sub-conscious INTJ knows too much). I guess the saying, “you can fool others but not yourself” rings true.

We can numb ourselves which is great and all, however, the hyper-awareness that the INTJ possesses can become overwhelming sometimes. We will find that we HAVE to do mentally demanding and stimulating activities; otherwise, if a huge amount of our brain is unoccupied then this remainder brain power will start or continue the depressing monologue…without our consent.


  • We may end up writing down a whole essay in order to express what we are feeling and why we are self-loathing (here, we will go off into a tangent of other things…God forbid you read an INTJs diary);
  • We can and will over-indulge in either alcohol, eating and watching TV/ movies;
  • We might continue to fantasize like crazy (not that we weren’t before), the result of us fantasizing is that reality will crush us more than usual which consequently makes usĀ pull away or ignore someone who was the initial cause for this jealousy or possessiveness which resulted in our depression.

Not to worry! Our moment of depression don’t last long (that or we push it into the pits of Hades).

INTJs will slowly realize that they too have a lot to offer (INTJs are hot biscuits too ya know) – this thought alone will help us out of our depressed state. We can remove ourselves from this pitiful state knowing that the highest form of knowledge and acceptance is about ourselves and comes from ourselves. There is no comparison, everyone are all individually unique.

So…what can you do to help an INTJs that doesn’t show signs of perking up any time soon? Well…NOTHING…because you won’t know what the actual feeling was that made the INTJ depressed to begin with (because we won’t tell).

If however you have an inkling that an INTJ is in a self-loathing state due to incompetence then I will say this (feel free to reword it) –

Valuing yourself and working on yourself will attract the same people like yourself – what you have to offer will eventually attract people with the same offer as you. When you are in a state of self-doubt but still manage to attract someone with a higher value than you, slowly, this person will know that they are better and so they will always be on the look out for someone better.

Like a duet dance…when you work on yourself then you are allowing and opening up opportunities to dance with the best dancers – continued personal growth and practice allows you to be the best that you can.

You attract those who are psychologically at the same level as you – be it friends or partners.


If you are feeling insecure about anything then you are in the right room with the right people. What you choose to do with this fact is what counts. So quit self-loathing and start getting better…

…even if it means harnessing your inner weirdness because that is just you in a nutshell.


(Fellow wackadoos, where you be at?!)


Ahem, now to finish off.

The reasons above credits (in my mind anyway) why many INTJs say that they don’t get (or rarely gets) jealous or possessive. It is not jealousy that we justify a place in our mind, rather, a manifestation of our own insecurities. INTJ do not care nor worry that someone is better than them or has better qualities and skills than them and generally speaking, INTJs are happy for people who has nice things, who looks good and who are happy (if the INTJ like this individual), if not, then we will be indifferent or apathetic.

We don’t compare ourselves to other people because we are comfortable with ourselves. Having nice stuff, looking good etc are the things INTJs may feel that they couldn’t (or wouldn’t) change anyway – everything else can just be improved and expand upon.

If you are thinking, “how do you make an INTJ jealous or possessive”, well…you can’t because ultimately, it is a manifestation of our own insecurity if we feel a pang of jealousy or possessiveness…ironically, it has nothing to do with you even if you were the initial trigger to us feeling something negative. The entirety after feeling jealous or possessive is dwarfed by either our positive or negative spin on things.

So don’t be thinking that you can make INTJs jealous or possessive on command becauseĀ  you will be disappointed. INTJs tend to save themselves from a whole lot of trivial headaches by only reserving thoughts and ‘feels’ that really matter.

Geomeun Goyangi =^-^=

geomeun goyangi mark

***Please note that these blogs should NOT influence you to generalize that all INTJs, as a niche group, are all the same ā€“ because we are not; a lot of other factors shapes and individualizes a person.***


  1. Dynames Productions · September 8, 2016

    Hmm…while I generally tend to like your blog posts, I have to say that I have mixed thoughts on this one. The thoughts lean more towards criticism. So basically only read if you are open to such on your blog.

    1. You need a disclaimer at the beginning:

    You tend to use the word “our” a lot in this post. Our implies other than just yourself. Everyone is born different even if under the label of “INTJ”.

    For example, I have tested as INTJ several times through the tests created by other people. But the things you described about jealousy, whenever I felt jealous I never dealt with it in the way you describe it here. I just quickly gloss over it and move on with my life.

    It has been like that since I was a kid. I was a pacifist since birth, a factor you may not have had in your personality at the time of your birth, something that negates the “our” word. That trait also helps me avoid a lot in the way of both outer and inner conflict and just focus on getting better without anyone needing to show up and saying, “Check it out brah, I’m so much better than you”. The only time I would even think to raise my fist or be “mean” is for the purpose of self-preservation/survival.

    The main point here is that not every reader is going to be an educated reader. Everyone’s intelligence is on a different level. I know you don’t mean to group every INTJ together under one umbrella when you post these types of blog posts. But that doesn’t mean that someone who doesn’t understand the simple fact that everyone is different would think the same. This gives way to personality discrimination (depending on how the reader perceives this information) and over-generalization.

    The disclaimer helps set clear boundaries about where you are coming from as an informative and a subjective writer, that the readers should take this with a grain of salt basically and not as the definite source of solutions to their various questions. Humans unlike math cannot be so easily be solved after all.

    2. Consider shortening down the fluff:

    What do I mean by fluff in relevance to this post? It was actually quite engaging up to the point of the last picture (the one with the weird cat warning sign). The conclusion felt a little too drawn out. Although the same can be said for the whole article I suppose, I don’t know if its just the pacing or the overall tone of this post, but it felt like a MUCH slower read than the others. Such slow factor cut down the engagement for me to the point I had to resist the urge of skimming.

    3. (Not really a criticism) You didn’t go as in-depth into possessiveness as you did for jealousy in terms of general cases.

    Sure jealousy is more applicable in general cases than possessiveness, but what about possessiveness of objects? You primarily talked about relationships and other people. You never mentioned personal objects.

    For example, I tend to be VERY possessive of my stuff, especially the electronics. I don’t lend the stuff out to anyone and no kids get to use it. I would rather not see all of my respect and care towards my possessions be trashed due to their uncaring usage of the item’s health. Trust me, for whatever reason kids love to smash the keys on my laptop. Since then I have just said no to kids, clearly they shouldn’t be using tech period lol. They are too hyperactive for it :P.

    Now to get to what was actually good here (since I don’t think its fair to list out the weak points alone).

    1. Level of detail was great to a certain extent. Minus all the fluff, and slow pacing, the details here were great and well thought out of.

    2. The post was well articulated. It wasn’t a mess of just thoughts pasted onto a digital space on the internet :P.

    Overall, the post has its issues in my perspective. This is probably the first piece I have been so critical of coming from you. Now keep in mind this isn’t to insult you, but to help improve this piece and make it better both as a fellow writer and INTJ (only speaking in context to this case, as in my personal belief personality labels are nothing but divisive amongst some people. At the end of the day, a human is a human and we are all of one race).

    Also as the writer you always have the final say on what you change and what you don’t. After all, at the end of the day its your post and blog. Your space on the internet so to speak :).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. geomeungoyangi66 · September 8, 2016

    Hey~ Yeah, I have a disclaimer on my actual page (disclaimer is near the bottom). I use "our" just so it's easier to understand for the readers. I have been very conscious of using the word "our" but I can't think of another word that doesn't potentially lump people in. "I" is not right because I am not referring to myself, "we" makes me just as conscious of accidentally lumping people into the same boat.
    Any suggestions?
    As for your point number 2; you know what, there is a lot of fluff here and there, it is “hard” covering topics from all areas (which is what I intend to do at first) – if you were wondering "why not just post the topic separately"…you know what, good point, initially the intent was to compare and contrast but in the end, even I noticed that the post leaned towards "jealousy" more.
    I do feel the need to go into detail so that people don't second-guess certain ambiguities, ironically, I don't want people to think that what was posted is absolute because there will no doubt be other options or things that people do.
    However! Majority of individuals can relate to jealousy more that possessiveness and so that was more focused upon. Possessiveness hits a grey area and it feels people will relate much more personally to it and so to go into depth with this is…lets' just say I don't feel that I will do it much justice writing too much about it…even if I just glaze over it by putting your example in. Possessiveness has different levels and like you said, everyone is different, too subjective.
    It was much easier to write about jealousy and I did get to actually pose this question of "jealousy or possessive" in a niche group and jealousy was the one that came out on top out of the two. Possessiveness might actually deserve a post of it's own because it is a bit hard to juggle the two without getting confused.
    Overall, maybe ambitious, I wanted it to cover a range of areas whereby how different individuals (although are INTJs) deal with jealousy, besides the obvious XD

    Yeah, I can relate to what you about the " whenever I felt jealous I never dealt with it in the way you describe it here. I just quickly gloss over it and move on with my life". Thought I included something like that in the post O_O maybe it got smushed out during the "piecing together" phase; well, as long as someone said it (or notes down other options and examples) then readers can pick up on the missed out bits when reading these comments!

    LMAO on your laptop comment XD damn kids hahaha!

    Actually, the conclusion was meant to be 2 paragraph long but reading it back (ya know, revising the post), it got extended. No regrets XD

    I'm always happy to hear good (and valid) criticisms so don't hold back – you don't have to include any "good points" to balance out the criticisms, just sincere feedback is appreciated, even if there is only negatives! =^-^=

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dynames Productions · September 9, 2016

      The issue with a disclaimer with only on the main/”actual” page is that not everyone is going to go there. What happens if you share this post and its direct link on Facebook and any other social media sites?

      The person goes to this page first, not the page you are referring to. The point of the disclaimer on every post is to help set those psychological expectations of the reader. Plus as a user of any site, if I have to go somewhere else to get that piece of info quite relevant to such discussions, then that is incredibly inconvenient wouldn’t you say?

      I looked at the disclaimer you have on the main page and it is quite good. I would say just copy and paste that to your posts (although only on posts of this nature, if it is meant to be a personal post then obviously you don’t need a disclaimer) and you are good to go lol.

      The thing with the wording is that if you put a disclaimer before these posts, then you don’t need to change your wording. Why you may wonder, because you have already set up clear expectations that what you write is coming from your OWN experiences, knowledge and understanding. You are just TRYING TO APPLY this understanding on a broader spectrum rather than just yourself. Does that make sense?


  3. geomeungoyangi66 · September 9, 2016

    Yups, it makes sense. Will definitely be updating the INTJ posts with the disclaimer to dispel any generalizations. Sometimes, it feels really contradicting when people and I write about INTJs (or any other personality types) with the intent of not lumping everyone together. There are moments where even I can’t get my head around the idea.

    Anyways, thanks for the comments! =^-^=


  4. Samuel Garcia · July 28, 2017

    Uh, no. Took a poll at the INTJ groups. Our Fi (Introverted Feeling) demands we are jealous and sensitive of things important to us. So even the generalization is false. That’s an INFJ or ENTP thing to not be jealous.


    • geomeungoyangi66 · August 26, 2017

      Hi Samuel,
      Even if our Fi “demands” that we are to have a jealous and sensitive streak towards things that we care about, it’s still a pretty natural human emotion. Just because we are “programmed” to be more possessive etc than the average, it’s really still depends on the individuals mentality. Emotions are malleable in the sense that sure, we’ll feel jealousy etc, but we can get over it quickly if we want to.
      Also, I wouldn’t necessarily do a poll, just the general research and reading of people’s thoughts on this topic is insightful enough; everyone’s “significant something” is different and so the intensity of certain emotions varies.


  5. Pingback: How To Cope with Jealousy as An INTJ: The Complete Guide – Sixteen Types
  6. Pingback: How To Cope with Jealousy as An INTJ: The Complete Guide – Sixteen Types
  7. axel · March 20, 2022

    Its the other way around, I constantly have to dumb down at work, even though I personally assess my CV mediocre because of toxic influences who sabotaged me my whole life.

    I never feel jealousy toward any other person beside for my girlfriend. But even in that case, I control the jealousy and will always wish the best for her, I would choose whats best for her even if it broke my heart because she deserve all the happiness in this world! I dont feel possessiveness either, she is a real woman, for christ’s sake, possessiveness implies she belongs more to me than to herself, and that is incredibly disrespectful to her personna. lol I would rather die than let her see those emotions get the better out of the logic of me. It’s very unmanly.

    There are many downsides to being an INTJ but bad behaviour because of stupid emotions is not one of them.


  8. Coll · January 12

    Hi, Iā€™m going to flag now Iā€™m an Enfj married to an intj 5w6 so make of that what you will.

    – Sheā€™d say ā€˜theyā€™re all idiotsā€™, ā€˜donā€™t engageā€™. So how can you be jealous that much of idiots?
    – Dynamism – I know itā€™s years late but everything about your post screams ISTJ 1w9. Good luck with that.
    – and yes as an enfj I will step in for fairness and to support talent trying to make an impact for all you intjā€™s who want your real parents to come and get you already. Accept you are an outlier to gen pop and accept that to succeed you need to live out of time. Time, as a concept is for the others, blue state, not for intjs. Move up and down it at will and with the disregard you are born with.


Feel free to comment =^-^=